


Saturday, September 15, 2012

New ELF Makeup

Here's some make-up  I bought from ELF recently.  L-R; Liquid Lips Lipstick in Pink Lemonade, Eyelid Primer in Sheer, Beauty Book Neutral Eye Edition, Blushing/Bronzing/Blending Face Brush, Blending Eye Brush.

Underneath; Clarifying Pressed Powder in Ivory, Tone Correcting Concealer in Ivory.

A lot of these are products I've already tried out and liked but I've bought a couple of new things to try such as the concealer and the blusher/bronzing brush.  I've also re-bought the liquid lipstick in a different colour, Pink Lemonade. I like this lip colour because it's got a lot of pigment like a lipstick but is still light, and doesn't have the sticky feel of a lipgloss.  This colour is a little darker than I expected but is still a nice, bright pink.

I've tried out the concealer a few times this week and so far I like it.  The colour actually suits my skin quite well, and it has a lot more coverage than I'd expected.  This works quite well as an under-eye concealer and for evening out the skin tone, as the name suggests.  This is not really suitable for blemishes although if you applied several layers of concealer on the area it could work, but you should really use a concealer with a thicker formula for that.

The Bronzing brush is really impressive.  I've been using it this week for contouring around my cheeks and I've found it to be really effective.  The angle of the brush is perfect for contouring the 'hollow' part of the cheek.  I use it with the thickest part of the brush pointing towards my ear and the thinner part pointing towards my nose/mount and I find that this angle applies the bronzer more evenly.  This brush is also great for blending out the bronzer afterwards.  It can be used for any face powders, but especially bronzer, blusher and skin finishes.

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